Post workout recovery is extremely important and exercising makes up for an important part of weight loss regime. Here are some of the most effective post workout drinks to rehydrate and recover better.

Weight Loss: A good day of exercising requires a good time for recovery too. Weight loss requires a dedicated and disciplined routine inclusive of a healthy diet, lifestyle changes, dietary choices and proper exercise. Exercising is one of the most crucial aspects of a weight loss diet. During exercise, the body loses water, energy and more. It is important to consume drinks and foods to energise and recover. While there are certain drinks that are good to kickstart the day, some drinks are better when consumed during the evening hours.
Here are some of the most effective homemade drinks to have after a workout in the evening.
- Coconut Water: All the way from the tropics, coconut water is one of the best post-workout drinks to add to your weight loss regime. It is high in potassium, and magnesium, and packed with nutrients. It is rich in antioxidants is great for maintaining electrolyte balance that often gets disturbed post-workout.
- Cherry Juice: According to studies, drinking cherry juice after a run or exercise helps in better muscle recovery. It lowers inflammation and is rich in antioxidants. It also helps to lower the chance of muscle loss and strength.
- Green Tea: This is one of the best and most effective drinks to consume after an intense workout session. It relaxes the nerves, helps to oxidise fat and break it to use as energy, boosts metabolism and lowers muscle soreness.
- Vegetable Juice: Vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals, iron and other minerals. It is essential to boost muscle strength especially after a good workout.
- Smoothies: Make a nice blend of your favourite fruits with yoghurt, add some nuts and voila, a delicious drink is all set to serve you with benefits post itense workout. smoothies ar erich source fo proteon and can help replenish lost energy, and nutrients post exercising.
Water is the original and most important drink to take especially after exercising. Add these drinks in your routine and recover and re-energise better for faster weight loss.