Need professional, budget-friendly images for your next project? We’ve got you covered. Discover the benefits and application of stock photography.
If you’ve been wondering what exactly stock photography is, well, given we’re the world’s leading stock photography site, you’ve come to the right place to learn.
At its core, stock photography refers to a library of images that can be licensed and used by individuals or organizations. It provides a budget option for people and businesses needing high-quality photos for their projects without hiring a photographer or arranging a photoshoot.
For example, you’ve just started a business, a new state-of-the-art training facility with all of the latest gym equipment, and you need to start publishing social posts and paid advertising to get the marketing rolling.
However, given that the gym has yet to open officially, there are no gym-goers training to take photos of. Likewise, it may be preferable to photograph athletes to entice possible members to chase that “dream body.”
In this situation, you have two options. You can hire a group of athletic models, a photographer, and (most likely) a makeup artist. This will cost you thousands of dollars at a minimum.
Alternatively, you could license a stock image. By simply searching for gym training on Shutterstock, you now have an image like these to use at a minuscule cost in comparison.
Additionally, you’re able to customize the photo to fit your business (the platform’s license will outline what you can and cannot do with the photograph).

License these images via Flamingo Images on OFFSET, Wavebreak Media, Flamingo Images on OFFSET, Westend61 on Offset, Maskot Images, and Johner Images.
Importance of Stock Images in Marketing and Design
In today’s digital society, images have become invaluable for communication, helping businesses and individuals convey messages in an engaging manner.
Given the significance of content in capturing audience attention and maintaining that attention, stock photos offer a budget-friendly option for individuals and companies to enhance marketing material, websites, social media posts, and various design projects.

License these images via Tatjana Zlatkovic, Jacob Lund, Addictive Creative, Arman Zhenikeyev, Maskot Images, and Eloisa Ramos / VISTA by Westend61.
At its core, this is stock photography; however, how these photographs can be licensed often changes depending on the model the agency is using.
Stock Photography Models
The stock photography industry comprises three models: microstock, mid-stock, and macrostock.
1. Microstock
Microstock agencies offer a vast library of affordable images contributed by numerous professional and amateur photographers, resulting in a diverse image collection available for use. With over 485,000,000 assets (as of December 31st) available, Shutterstock is one of the world’s leading microstock agencies.
With microstock agencies, pricing is usually approached with the price of an image determined by the user’s subscription package and the photo’s intended use. Typically, the larger the subscription package, the lower the cost per photo.
2. Midstock
Midstock agencies bridge the gap between macrostock and microstock by providing various images that appeal to photographers and amateurs in terms of quality and cost.
Pricing strategies in midstock agencies are often based on factors such as image resolution, exclusivity, and licensing duration.
3. Macrostock
Macrostock agencies offer premium, and sometimes exclusive, images that are generally pricier than other models. These agencies typically cater to markets like corporations and advertising firms. These photographs are generally of elite quality and taken by a master artist.
You can find premium photos in the Shutterstock library by selecting the premium button to display the Offset collection. Due to the nature of premium photos, a premium price tag is expected.
There is also an exclusive-rights license, in which you hold exclusive rights to use the photograph. The pricing is influenced by several factors, such as the artist’s inclination to grant exclusive copyright for their work.
It’s important to note that this wouldn’t nullify any previous licensed uses of the photo.
Benefits of Using Stock Photographs
As previously noted, stock images can be a time and cost choice. One can easily buy stock images online rather than hiring a photographer or designer. This eliminates the hassle of organizing photoshoots or creating custom visuals—saving time and money.
Additionally, even if hiring a photographer was within your budget, or you’re a photographer yourself, stock photography allows you to obtain images taken from unique vantage points or even photos taken halfway around the world.

And, while we have specifically looked at this from a commercial standpoint, stock photography also allows you to license editorial content.
It’s worth noting that editorial stock photography is restricted from commercial use and, at Shutterstock, editorial images are clearly labeled as “Editorial Use Only,” indicating they are solely intended for news or informational purposes.

These images often portray celebrities, public figures, or products and cannot be licensed for commercial endeavors.
Moreover, stock images offer versatility. With various categories and styles, finding an image that perfectly fits the intended message or theme is easy. Stock images can effectively enhance communication for marketing campaigns, initiatives, editorial tasks, product packaging design, digital content creation, or educational materials.
Additionally, utilizing stock images also ensures protection. Reputable platforms that provide these images guarantee licensing, reducing the risk of copyright infringement. This allows businesses and individuals to use these images without worrying about repercussions.
Of course, employing a photographer could be justified for a highly specialized project or when documenting an event, but utilizing stock photos presents distinct benefits.
Different Types of Stock Available
While stock photos are at the forefront when thinking about licensing, a search query into a stock agency’s library will often return other media types.
Such as . . .
Illustrations play a crucial role in brand messaging and communication, offering many benefits that can help businesses stand out in the crowded marketplace. One of the key advantages of utilizing illustrations is the control they give brands.
Unlike stock photos or relying solely on text, illustrations allow businesses to create unique visuals that align perfectly with their brand identity. From the style, colors, and characters, illustrations offer the freedom to develop a distinctive visual language that sets the brand apart from competitors.

License these images via Harry Haysom / Ikon Images, Ikon Images, Westend61 on Offset, Studio Create, fstop Images, and simone golob.
Vector Graphics
Vector graphics is a widely used format in stock imagery thanks to its relevance and versatility. Unlike outdated abstract or 3-dimensional renderings, vector graphics offer a clean, modern aesthetic that appeals to creators and consumers.

Footage refers to the recorded and stored video material captured by a camera or device. It is an essential component of the film, television, and video production industry, providing the raw material from which visual content is created.
This versatile term encompasses various recordings, including live-action shots, animations, or archival clips.
Stock Photography as a Resource
In conclusion, stock photography is a pivotal resource in the modern marketing, design, and communication landscape. From its budget-friendly accessibility to its versatility across various media types, stock images offer a solution that transcends traditional limitations.
Whether you’re a burgeoning entrepreneur seeking to establish your brand or a seasoned marketer aiming to captivate your audience, the vast libraries of stock agencies like Shutterstock provide a treasure trove of visual assets ready to be leveraged.
License this cover image via TONL Images.
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