Cancer has become a leading cause of death and as per research, there may be a link between stress and tumour growth.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the medical sector. There are different types of cancer and have now become a growing concern. Every year, February 4 is commemorated as World Cancer Day. It is a day to raise more awareness about the fatal diseases. It emphasises the need to know the signs and symptoms, prevention and early detection of tumours. Wondering what exactly leads to this tumour? It is not just genetics. Sometimes, certain lifestyle habits also contribute toward the formation of a deadly tumour.
What is cancer? As per the definition by the World Health Organisation (WHO), ” Cancer is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs. The latter process is called metastasizing and is a major cause of death from cancer. A neoplasm and malignant tumour are other common names for cancer.”
According to data by WHO, in 2020, there were nearly 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685,000 deaths globally. As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. Breast cancer occurs in every country of the world in women at any age after puberty but with increasing rates in later life. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally with an estimated 604 000 new cases and 342 000 deaths in 2020.
In today’s contemporary world, a sedentary lifestyle has become a way of life. In the hustle culture, we sometimes keep our health in the back seat. Stress has become a part of our everyday life. Be it personal or professional, all of us live with some kind of stress. While managing stress comes way down on the priority list, it has severe effects on both physical and mental health. There is significant research that now points towards a relationship between increased cortisol and cancer.
Relation Between Stress and Cancer
Several research point towards how stress may lead to cancer however, there is no guarantee yet. But, there is some information to highlight how chronic and persistent stress may become a risk factor. There still remains lack of evidence to conclude that stress may be a risk factor. However, according to World Cancer Research Fund International, as per limited research and early findings in the following cases stress is linked to cancer survivors:
- Little evidence suggests of evidence of a link between stressful life events and dying from cancer.
- Lack of social support may pose a higher risk of people dying of cancer.
- People with better social support and during stressful events appeared to have a lesser impact on cancer.
What is stress? It is a response to a fight or flight situation and when there is an overactive stress response, it leads to inflammation that further may lead to an increase in several health problems too and cancer can be one of them.
According to a report of by the Cancer Centre, City of Hope, “What we’re finding is that when you’re stressed, your body releases a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, that triggers various inflammatory responses,” said Ankur Parikh, DO, Medical Director of Precision Medicine at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. He further added, “When you’re in a constant state of psychological stress, those triggers don’t shut off, which could lead to chronic inflammation and, potentially, cancer growth or cancer metastasis.”
5 Lifestyle Tips Can Help Manage Everyday Stress
- Stay Active: Regular exercise is a powerful stress reducer. Even a brisk walk or yoga for 15 -20 minutes regularly can help reduce cortisol levels.
- Practice Mindfulness: Engage in activities like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help focus on reducing anxiety about the past or future. Even a few minutes of mindful breathing during a busy day can be incredibly beneficial.
- Maintain a Healthy Diet: Diet plays a pivotal role in affected mental health and stress. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins to keep your energy levels high. Also, keep yourself hydrated all the time. Herbal beverages like cinnamon tea, and chamomile can help relax mind as well.
- Good Sleep Cycle: Lack of good sleep may also exacerbate stress. It is important to have good quality sleep for a minimum of six hours.
- Social Support: Believe it or not, stress management may also depend on social support. Living in isolation can significantly hamper mental health. Therefore, spending quality time with friends, family helps navigate through stressful times with a slight ease.
Cancer has become a leading cause of death across the globe. Breast cancer and cervical cancer cases are relatively on the rise. Even during the Union Budget 2024 speech, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a cervical cancer vaccination drive for girls between 9-12 years of age group. In times like these, amid hustle culture, it is imperative to wade through it and lead a healthy lifestyle for a healthy future as well.