The Dukan Diet is the diet of a high protein and low carbohydrate plan, outlined by Pierre Dukan, a former nutritionist and French physician. The diet involves 100 foods rich in proteins or vegetables

The Dukan Diet is the diet of a high protein and low carbohydrate plan, outlined by Pierre Dukan, a former nutritionist and French physician. The diet involves 100 foods rich in proteins or vegetables.
In this diet a person doesn’t have to think before consuming the food instead they can intake as much as they want but only eat those 100 foods.
This diet is the low-carb, high protein, weight loss plan that focuses on fullness and it provides four phases in which there is a precise food list by taking care of fat-free dairy and proteins. No matter how much we eat there are always limitations, especially when it comes to food.
The Dukan diet may contribute to weight loss but research has linked to possible health related complications namely issues related to Kidney and liver. Let us first understand more clearly what the Dukan diet is? What are the four phases it consists of? What are the possible risks?
What is the Dukan diet?
As I have already stated, the Dukan diet is the low carb weight loss diet that is divided into four phases and was created by Pierre Dukan, a French general nutritionist who specializes in weight management. The diet was inspired by the patient who has obesity and was ready to give up on eating any food to lose weight except for meat. After seeing many other patients suffering from the same situation, Dukan published a book in 2000 namely “The Dukan Diet”.
Phases of Dukan diet
Attack Phase: The initial phase is focusing mainly on the protein foods. The stage lasts for 2 to 7 days, depending on the weight loss goals.
Cruise Phase: In this phase 32 vegetables are gradually introduced with the protein foods that target weight. The stage lasts for 3 days for every pound you aim to shed.
Consolidation Phase: During this phase it aims to prevent rebound weight gain because the body tends to bounce back swiftly. The stage reintroduces additional food groups such as carbohydrates and fruits along with allowance of cheat days in moderation but for Thursday it only includes proteins. The diet lasts for 5 days.
Stabilization Phase: This is the final phase and it emphasizes achieving weight loss for life. The stage involves modification of a balanced diet while incorporating the principles learned during all the phases of the diet.
What can be the possible risks?
As far as now the researchers have not proven that high protein rich diets are the healthful approach to weight loss. But there may be some possible risk that this diet could increase the long term health problems if individuals do not stick to the rules they will suffer with kidney disease, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease and liver disease.
The Dukan diet can guide weight loss by indulging in protein foods while limiting the fats along with carbs. It is important to consult doctors before starting to follow this diet and sustainable eating habits for long term health and weight control.